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Work Ready Oklahoma

What does Work Ready Oklahoma do exactly?

Work Ready Oklahoma offers more than just job assistance — we equip you with the tools and opportunities to secure better-paying, stable jobs that can set you up for long-term career goals. Our services are completely free, with no hidden costs involved. Here’s how we do it:


  • Workshops: Our job preparedness workshops cover everything from crafting standout resumes to acing job interviews and demonstrating your teamwork skills to potential employers.
  • Job Leads: We connect you with employer partners who are eager to hire our graduates, offering access to a diverse range of jobs that average $15 per hour, including benefits.
  • Coaching: During and after you complete our workshop, you can receive personalized coaching and support to help you transition confidently into your new role and maintain employment.
  • Job Fairs: Attend job fairs to meet top employers and discover various job opportunities, both local and remote, in one convenient location.
  • Training: We collaborate with community colleges, career techs and nonprofits to provide free training, making sure you have multiple paths to advance your skills.
  • Connections: Join an inclusive community of fellow job seekers and benefit from mutual learning and support. Our coaches and staff are committed to seeing you succeed.


Through focused workshops and continuous support, we transform the challenge of job hunting into tangible opportunities for you and your family.

Who can join Work Ready Oklahoma?

Work Ready Oklahoma is open to any adult who’s looking to improve their job situation. We help individuals receiving benefits like TANF or SNAP and offer targeted support to secure stable jobs and improve employment opportunities. Our doors are also open to anyone struggling to make ends meet, whether you’re in a job that doesn’t pay enough or have been out of work for the long term. Our team provides dedicated support to help you find, get and keep a better job, so you can live a better life.

How quickly can I start applying for jobs after completing the workshop?

You could start applying for jobs as soon as one week after joining our program! By fully engaging in our initial one-week workshop, many of our participants are ready to start applying for jobs and scheduling interviews. This workshop covers all the core skills you need for job applications and interviews. However, everyone’s path is different, and some job seekers may benefit from an extra week in the workshop focusing on perfecting the skills you learned or choose to enter specialized short-term training to prepare for skill-specific jobs. We work with each individual to find the best fit for their needs and goals. Want more details? Check out the Job Seeker Journey on our Job Seekers Page.

What kind of events do you offer at local Work Ready Centers?

At each of our centers, we host a variety of events to help you learn more about our program and find a job:


  • Information Sessions: Learn everything you need to know about how Work Ready Oklahoma can help you.
  • WORKlahoma Job Fairs: Meet employers face-to-face and apply for jobs on the spot.
  • Monthly Workshops: Join us to learn practical skills that make it easier to get a better job.


All of our events are designed to give you the tools and information you need to succeed. To find out when and where these events happen, click the “Find Your Work Ready Center” button on our website.

Do I need to complete any paperwork?

Yes, filling out some forms is part of the process when you join. This paperwork helps us learn more about your unique background and current situation. At Work Ready Oklahoma, we work with people from all walks of life, and no matter your past, our goal is to support you. Understanding your history better allows us to match you with the right opportunities and provide the most effective help possible. We’ll guide you through all the paperwork during your on-site orientation to ensure everything is clear and you feel comfortable with the process.

What if I can’t make it to daytime classes?

While most of our centers hold their workshops Monday to Friday during a typical 9-5 schedule, some may offer nighttime classes to accommodate different schedules. The best way to explore your options is to attend an information session or a local event in your area. There, you can discuss all available options and find a schedule that fits your needs.

Do you have virtual options for classes?

No, our workshops and classes are held in person. We focus on hands-on activities and real-life practice to ensure that you gain the most effective and applicable skills. This in-person format provides a more impactful and potentially life-changing experience for our participants, allowing for immediate feedback and personalized interaction.

Do you pay participants while they’re in class?

While we do not offer monetary payment for attending our workshops, we provide all our services for free and help align individuals with additional resources to aid their success. This support can significantly enhance your ability to secure stable, well-paying employment.

Can I get help after I find a job?

Absolutely! Our support doesn’t end when you land a job. We continue to check in with you to ensure the job is a great fit, and our coaches remain available to help you further develop your skills and grow professionally.

What makes Work Ready Oklahoma different from other job assistance programs?

At Work Ready Oklahoma, our focus isn’t just on quickly placing you in any job. We are dedicated to ensuring you find quality employment that matches your skills and offers a living wage. Our approach is centered on enhancing your soft skills — like communication, self-understanding and workplace etiquette — which are crucial for long-term success. Through our workshops, you’ll gain training that is directly aligned with what today’s employers are looking for. While we want to see you land a better job as quickly as possible, we never cut corners on the quality of opportunities. Going through our program is a transformative experience that changes your career path and increases your chances of seeing more interviews, call backs and job offers. We’re committed to your success, supporting you every step of the way.

Can Work Ready Oklahoma help me meet my work requirements to keep my SNAP ABAWD status?

Yes, going through Work Ready Oklahoma is one way you can meet the SNAP work requirements and maintain your benefits. If you’re categorized as an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) and need to fulfill work requirements, our program offers essential support:


  • Training: Join our free two-week program to get job-ready. We teach valuable skills, provide coaching and connect you with partners for job-specific training.
  • Work: We’ll help you secure at least 80 hours of work per month (or an average of 20 hours weekly) and guide you to quality jobs that are a good fit for you.
  • Combine: Train, work or blend both to meet the work requirements and keep receiving your monthly SNAP issuance from Oklahoma Human Services.


Complete this form to find out if you qualify and how we can help.

I’m on public benefits. How can Work Ready Oklahoma help me?

If you’re receiving public benefits like TANF or SNAP, Work Ready Oklahoma offers additional support to ensure your job search is successful and less stressful. These may include transportation aids and clothing allowances for interviews, among other resources aimed at removing barriers to employment. However, even if you’re not receiving these benefits, you can still participate in our program for free. Everyone who joins Work Ready Oklahoma benefits from our comprehensive job training and placement services, ensuring that all participants have the support they need to find, get and keep a good job.

Do you help with CDLs, welding, or other trades?

Yes, we can assist with ongoing training in specific trades like CDLs, welding and more. Each situation is unique, so it’s best to meet with one of our employment specialists to discuss the options available to you based on your goals and needs.