Looking for a New or Better Job? You’re in the Right Place!

We offer FREE workshops and resources that help people find quality jobs so they can start living the lives they want.

Start Your Journey to Job Success

Finding a good job can be tough, especially if things haven’t been easy for you. That’s where we come in, helping you find and get a job that pays better and fits your goals.  And it's all FREE — no hidden costs.

Want a better job fast? By dedicating just one week and fully engaging with our program, you could quickly find yourself applying to and interviewing for jobs, turning hard work into real opportunities for you and your family.

Curious about how we make this happen? Check out our guide below for a peek into our program. We're here to get you excited and prepared for better jobs ahead!


Sign Up & Find Your Work Ready Center
Find Your Center

Use the “Find Your Work Ready Center” button on this page to locate the center closest to you. It’s easy to do with just a few clicks!

Sign Up for an Event

Choose an event that fits your schedule. Our centers have different events to meet your needs.


Join an Event at Your Local Work Ready Center
Attend and Begin

Come to an in-person or virtual event at your local center. You’ll hear about what makes our program different and learn how we can help you find, get and keep a better job.

See Your Next Steps

We’ll show you the next steps you can take and all the ways we can help you get a better job. At some local centers, you’ll even be able to complete your orientation during this step.


Meet Us at On-Site Orientation
Meet the Team

Meet the educators and coaches who will be helping you along the way. This is your chance to ask questions and get comfortable with the environment

Tour Time

We'll show you around so you can see where your workshop will be. It's like a "meet the teacher" day!


We'll help you fill out some forms that will help us know how best to support you.

Pick Your Start Date

Before you leave, you'll know exactly when your workshop starts!


Attend the Work Ready Workshop!

Join our in-person workshops from Monday to Friday to get job-ready. Depending on your local Work Ready Center, we might also have nighttime classes and other scheduling options outside of 9 AM – 5 PM to fit your life.

Two-Week Hybrid Program

The first week is packed with key skills development, goal setting and interview prep. Depending on your needs, the second week (and beyond if needed) offers more personalized support and training.

Job-Ready Skills

Our goal is to quickly equip you with the skills and confidence you need to get a better-paying job and improve your financial stability.


Get the Support You Need Every Step of the Way
Grow Your Skills

Keep building your skills with our help. You'll have a computer to use, a quiet spot for work and interviews and a coach to guide you as you search for new jobs.

Job Connections

We help make your resume stand out and get you ready for interviews. Plus, we connect you with companies that like hiring people from our program. 

We Check In

Once you’ve started your new job, our team will check in on you to make sure that job is a great fit for you.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Come to Work Ready Oklahoma and change your life for the better. Let us help you grow and find a job that can turn into a career. Start now by finding your location!

Find Your Work Ready Center
Sign Up & Find Your Work Ready Center
Find Your Center

Use the “Find Your Work Ready Center” button on this page to locate the center closest to you. It’s easy to do with just a few clicks!

Sign Up for an Event

Choose an event that fits your schedule. Our centers have different events to meet your needs.

Join an Event at Your Local Work Ready Center
Attend and Begin

Come to an in-person or virtual event at your local center. You’ll hear about what makes our program different and learn how we can help you find, get and keep a better job.

See Your Next Steps

We’ll show you the next steps you can take and all the ways we can help you get a better job. At some local centers, you’ll even be able to complete your orientation during this step.

Meet Us at On-Site Orientation
Meet the Team

Meet the educators and coaches who will be helping you along the way. This is your chance to ask questions and get comfortable with the environment

Tour Time

We'll show you around so you can see where your workshop will be. It's like a "meet the teacher" day!


We'll help you fill out some forms that will help us know how best to support you.

Pick Your Start Date

Before you leave, you'll know exactly when your workshop starts!

Attend the Work Ready Workshop!

Join our in-person workshops from Monday to Friday to get job-ready. Depending on your local Work Ready Center, we might also have nighttime classes and other scheduling options outside of 9 AM – 5 PM to fit your life.

Two-Week Hybrid Program

The first week is packed with key skills development, goal setting and interview prep. Depending on your needs, the second week (and beyond if needed) offers more personalized support and training.

Job-Ready Skills

Our goal is to quickly equip you with the skills and confidence you need to get a better-paying job and improve your financial stability.

Get the Support You Need Every Step of the Way
Grow Your Skills

Keep building your skills with our help. You'll have a computer to use, a quiet spot for work and interviews and a coach to guide you as you search for new jobs.

Job Connections

We help make your resume stand out and get you ready for interviews. Plus, we connect you with companies that like hiring people from our program. 

We Check In

Once you’ve started your new job, our team will check in on you to make sure that job is a great fit for you.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Come to Work Ready Oklahoma and change your life for the better. Let us help you grow and find a job that can turn into a career. Start now by finding your location!

Find Your Work Ready Center
Meet the Success Stories of Work Ready Oklahoma — You Could Be Next!

Explore the true stories of individuals whose lives were changed with support from Work Ready Oklahoma.

Dreaming Big and Making It Happen

Carlos had ambitions but felt held back by his educational background. Work Ready Oklahoma saw his potential and helped him realize it, equipping him with the interview skills and confidence he needed to land a job that set him on a new path.

From Homelessness to Steady Employment

Alex felt trapped by his circumstances, struggling to see a way forward when he was facing homelessness. With Work Ready's guidance, he not only found his confidence but also a stable job in construction, turning his life around.

Turning Caregiving Skills Into Career Success

Bella's lengthy break from work left her doubting her job market relevance. Work Ready helped her recognize the value of her experience as a stay-at-home mom, guiding her to a fulfilling new role that harnesses her multitasking skills and dedication.

Military Experience Translated to Civilian Success

After serving in the military, Evan was unsure how to apply his skills in the civilian job market. Work Ready helped him articulate his experience, paving the way for a new career with a company that respects his service and utilizes his talents.

From Countless Resumes to the Right One

Overwhelmed by endlessly submitting job applications without a response, Diana found hope with Work Ready. We showed her how to highlight her experience and skills on her resume and the importance of persistence, which led her to the job she always wanted.

From Silence to Empowerment

As a young parent without a high school diploma, Jordan faced her future with uncertainty. Work Ready Oklahoma helped her overcome a speech impediment, building her confidence and interview skills. Now, she's thriving in a job that values her unique strengths, proving that with the right support, anyone can find their voice and path to success.

Dreaming Big and Making It Happen

Carlos had ambitions but felt held back by his educational background. Work Ready Oklahoma saw his potential and helped him realize it, equipping him with the interview skills and confidence he needed to land a job that set him on a new path.

From Homelessness to Steady Employment

Alex felt trapped by his circumstances, struggling to see a way forward when he was facing homelessness. With Work Ready's guidance, he not only found his confidence but also a stable job in construction, turning his life around.

Turning Caregiving Skills Into Career Success

Bella's lengthy break from work left her doubting her job market relevance. Work Ready helped her recognize the value of her experience as a stay-at-home mom, guiding her to a fulfilling new role that harnesses her multitasking skills and dedication.

Military Experience Translated to Civilian Success

After serving in the military, Evan was unsure how to apply his skills in the civilian job market. Work Ready helped him articulate his experience, paving the way for a new career with a company that respects his service and utilizes his talents.

From Countless Resumes to the Right One

Overwhelmed by endlessly submitting job applications without a response, Diana found hope with Work Ready. We showed her how to highlight her experience and skills on her resume and the importance of persistence, which led her to the job she always wanted.

From Silence to Empowerment

As a young parent without a high school diploma, Jordan faced her future with uncertainty. Work Ready Oklahoma helped her overcome a speech impediment, building her confidence and interview skills. Now, she's thriving in a job that values her unique strengths, proving that with the right support, anyone can find their voice and path to success.

Quick Quiz: Discover Your Potential

See what skills you could gain from our program with this quiz. It's an easy way to find out how Work Ready Oklahoma can help you on your journey to a better job. Are you ready to test yourself and uncover the possibilities?

1 of 6
What should be the first step in your job search?

a. Waiting for job ads to appear in your local newspaper

b. Sending the same resume to every job you find

c. Identifying your skills and what kind of job you want

d. Immediately scheduling as many interviews as possible

Identifying your skills and the kind of job you’re looking for is an effective first step. Understanding what you’re good at and what you want to do helps you find jobs that are a great fit for you. At Work Ready Oklahoma, we guide you through this process, helping you map out your skills and goals for a more targeted job search.

2 of 6
How many jobs are part of the hidden job market?

a. 50%

b. 80%

c. 20%

About 80% of jobs aren’t advertised publicly. At WRO, we’ll show you how to find these hidden opportunities.

3 of 6
What do hiring managers value the most in an employee?

a. How you look

b. How you talk

c. Your attitude

d. Your skills

Surveys show that your attitude is the most important thing to hiring managers — even more important than how you communicate, your appearance or your qualifications. At Work Ready Oklahoma, we teach you how to develop and highlight the right attitude. Plus, you’ll learn other important skills employers want, like how to work well with others, solve problems and communicate clearly.

4 of 6
What question do interviewers ask most often?

a. What’s your strongest skill?

b. Tell me about yourself

c. Why should we hire you?

d. Describe a conflict at work and how you resolved it.

“Tell me about yourself” is a frequent opener in interviews. WRO can help you craft a compelling response that impresses interviewers and sets you apart from the crowd.

5 of 6
How can you make your resume stand out?

a. Use a lot of industry jargon

b. Include as many details as possible

c. Tailor it to each job application

d. Keep it to one page, no matter what

Tailoring your resume to each application shows employers you’ve taken the time to understand the job and how your skills fit their needs. At WRO, we teach you how to customize your resume for any job you apply for.

6 of 6
What’s the best strategy for addressing gaps in employment on your resume?

a. Ignore them and hope employers don't notice

b. Fill the gap with fake job experiences

c. Highlight transferable skills gained during the gap

d. List them as personal time off

Highlighting transferable skills gained during employment gaps is the best strategy. Whether acquired through caregiving, managing household duties, side hustles or self-employment, showcasing the skills you attained tells employers about your adaptability and problem-solving capabilities. Work Ready Oklahoma can help you explain these skills in a simple way on your resume, showing employers how these experiences help you fit the job you want.

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